(860) 877-8273. Serving the CT Shoreline towns!
(860) 877-8273. Serving the CT Shoreline towns!
Please reach us at shopnaturalpath@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
An e-cigarette is a device that uses a battery and a heating element (atomizer or coil) to aerosolize a liquid (e-liquid) for inhalation. E-liquids often contain a specific concentration of nicotine but can be found with none at all, based on a person's preference. Devices are sometimes referred to as "electronic cigarettes", "e-cigarettes," or "vapes" but the term "vapor products" is increasingly becoming the preferred term. The wide variety of available products allows consumers to customize their experience.
Federal law states you must be age 21 or older to purchase vapor products. You must have a valid, state issued-ID in order to make a purchase of vapor products from our store.
Vapor products are a low-risk alternative to smoking. While manufacturers are prohibited from marketing e-cigarettes in the U.S. as a smoking cessation product, a significant number of people have reduced or eliminated their smoking habit by using vapor products. In fact, many respected health organizations and recent research conclude that vapor products appear to be effective (twice as effective as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), according to one study) when used by people who smoke as an aid to quitting smoking.
Most e-liquids consist of a non-toxic liquid base made with propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine. Nicotine is optional. All e-liquids contain food-grade flavoring ingredients. For more information about ingredient listing, search FDA.gov/home for "tobacco ingredient listing."
What we perceive as "safe" is more accurately described as "very low risk." According to the Royal College of Physicians (UK), vaping is not likely to exceed 5% of the risk of smoking. Other experts estimate that vaping poses 98% - 99% less risk than combustible tobacco. Fresh air is always your best option for ultimate health, however, if you are an adult smoker, vaping is far less risky than smoking.
There are varying definitions of "addiction," but the common thread among them all is compulsive use or behavior even when the consequences are harmful to the person using or people close to them. We know that smoking is the most harmful way to deliver nicotine, so encouraging people to switch to smoke-free products is all about reducing the risks associated with combustible tobacco. Breaking the compulsion to smoke is the first step in any quit strategy, which allows people to use their discretion or set their own goals concerning how frequently or how much they choose to use nicotine. Making conscious and responsible decisions about when, where, and how to use nicotine (or any other substance/behavior) is not a hallmark of "addiction."
In general, no. Nicotine is classified as a mild stimulant. As such, it carries the minor risks of all mild stimulants, like caffeine. Some people, like those with chronic heart disease, should avoid using stimulants. Pregnant women should heed the advice of their doctors. However, for most healthy adults, the risks of using a mild stimulant like nicotine are low. Nicotine does not cause cancer or significantly contribute to any chronic diseases. The harms associated with smoking come exclusively from inhaling the actual smoke of cigarettes, not the nicotine. In fact, nicotine appears to provide several benefits to people who use it. For example, it can stabilize mood and improve short-term memory, and studies have shown it may protect against the onset of Parkinson's disease.
That depends on the laws of your state and the rules of a workplace or business. Some businesses may prohibit vaping in their establishment, as is their right. Some states and municipalities prohibit vaping in the same places smoking is banned. Connecitcut is such a state.
We highly advise NOT visiting a gas station or convenience store to start your transition, but rather, a dedicated specialty store (like us!). Vape shop staff are not only ex-smokers, but they are experts in their field and can help you navigate the technology, customizing a product to your specific needs. Having gotten our start as a vape shop, we have over 12 years of experience in matching consumers to products - the most experience of any retailer on the east coast! Your success will depend on ensuring a good match.
Whew! That's a doozy of a question, but we are up to the challenge! In fact, this is such a challenging topic, that we are going to give it its own page!
Natural Paths - Alternative Solutions
1610 Boston Post Road Old Saybrook, CT 06475 USA (Inside of Northeast Vapor Supplies)
This website is intended for adults. By entering this website, you are agreeing that you are at least 21 years of age. If you are under age 21, please exit now.